He will be present on the starting line of the 20th Tour de Corse Historique on october 5, Pierre Lafay has just realised, this week-end, a first-rate performance by winning the Drôme Paul Friedman rallye at the steering wheel of the news Alpine A110. A « modern » very significant succes for Pierre lafay before taking the start of his third Tour de Corse Historique. It was in 2016 that he first lined up in an Escort Group 2, before finishing second in the competition category the following year at the wheel of the Mazda RX7. It is once again, with this car, that he will be at the start with the secret hope to do as well as in 2017. About his success in the Drôme, Pierre sums it up in a lapidary way : « It is a super light car with a very low center of gravity and it has moreover a real capital sympathy. It is a worthy successor to its predecessor. »